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sent in by Indri
Tribal tattoos,Kids tattoos,Chinese characters tattoos,Japanese tattoo,Asian tattoo,Celtic tattoo,abstract tattoo,body art,skinhead tattoo,head tattoo
'We are seeking high quality photographs of your literary tattoos for an upcoming book. Send us your ink! ...'
For example if you have a dark or olive skin color it may be more appropriate to select a bright hue so the Koi fish tattoo is more noticeable. If you are wanting to go the more traditional style, you may want to choose one of the Koi’s natural colors such as white, red, black, yellow or gold, or perhaps a mixture of those colors.
Ideally it is best to choose a color design that compliments your skin tone. As a suggestion, if you have yellowish tone in your skin it might be more appropriate to have a gold or yellow and red tattoo. If you have pink to your skin, black, white, red, or blue may be the best color selection for your Japanese Koi fish tattoo design.
Tattoo Positioning
Have you any idea where you intend to position your tattoo? It is recommended that you make sure that your Koi fish tattoo has a place of honor on your body. You must also ensure it is in a place on your body that you can live with. For example, if your work place is of a conservative nature which frowns on employees having ‘out there' body art or has a strict dress code you may not want your tattoo on your hand, face, neck or lower arm where the tattoo is readily visible and almost impossible to camouflage with clothing.On the other hand, if you are free to show off your lucky Japanese Koi fish tattoo design, consider placing it on the small of your back, your forearms, around the side of your neck or even swimming around your ankle, as is one of the preferred places for female wearers of the Japanese Koi fish tattoo.
Koi Tattoo Environments
Once you have decided what your tattoo is going to look like and where it is going to be put, you need to give consideration to what other features you would like to include with the design. A popular and effective addition to the Koi design is a flowing stream, a calm pool or even rocky rapids. Combine your Japanese Koi fish tattoo design with a few unique inclusions such as your favorite Japanese symbol and it will result in a tattoo of high quality that can be cherished throughout the years by both the wearer and the admirers.
Is it because you had a very special person in your life, who you want to honor. Or somebody you admire very much. Then think about the things they liked and had meaning to them. You can do this in combination with their name.
Is it because you want to show your love to someone? The names of your children are very suited for that. If you choose for the name of your partner, then remember sometimes partners are not forever and such a tattoo could be very hurtful for a next partner.
Is it because you know or saw someone with a tattoo which you really liked? Talk to them; ask them where they got it. But try to keep it original by changing it a little bit or browse for similar tattoos.
You could also consider getting a tattoo artist to draw a custom design exclusively for you. This option is more expensive, but then you have something that no one else has.
If you are creative you could also draw one yourself and ask the artist if it is possible to ink it.
Answering these questions will give you an idea in which direction you want to go. But there are more things to consider.
Do you want a color or a black tattoo design? Black tends to give more definition and doesn't fade as much as if you use colors. With colored ones on the other hand you can bring more expression into your design. Generally using colors is more expensive.
Ask yourself before making a choice how big do you want it to be and do you want more then one. If you want more than one, you should think about a theme. You don't want to mix up all kind of different tattoos. Your body is not a trash can. How big or how many you want in a certain body area also determines where it should be placed. Make sure that there is enough room for all the future tattoos.
Also do you want to show your tattoo to the public? If not, better place it on a body part where it can't be seen by others. This is also a good suggestion if you have an employer who will not allow his employees to have tattoos on body parts which can be seen by the public.
The most important thing however is, try to be true to yourself, whatever tattoo design you decide upon. Never let anyone talk you into it. Take your time!